Results will be shared through regular meetings (ideally once per year) with the stakeholder committee. A Policy Informing Brief will be created and distributed to relevant stakeholders. The data inventory will be shared with key people in the responsible authorities and bilateral meetings will be set up as necessary.
Main stakeholders:
- Federal Public Service Environment - DG Marine Environment
- Flemish Mobility and Public Works Department, MOW division (MOW-MT)
- Governor of West-Flanders
- Coast Guard - Federal Ministry of Defense
- Federal Science Policy Office (BELSPO)
- Flanders Hydraulic Research
- Flemish Mobility and Public Works department, Coastal division (MOW-AK)
- Flemish Government, Economics, Science and Innovation department (EWI)
- Municipalities of Knokke-Heist and Zeebrugge
- Fisheries
- Jan De Nul nv
- Natuurpunt
Published: Mon, 02/01/2016 - 13:57 | Last updated: Mon, 12/07/2020 - 18:40